Spring Is In The Air…

January 13, 2014 Comments Off on Spring Is In The Air…

Welcome Back!

If you are new, then, just Welcome!  A few things occurred over the break; here’s the skinny…

Something on the administration end of the first offered 156 class was wrong, so despite the fact that the class was full, they dumped it and supposedly called all the students to tell them to sign up for the new (same) class.  If you didn’t get the call, please sign up ASAP!

I know a lot of you wanted some type of  Advanced night class.  Unfortunately, despite what your fellow students told you, I only had six interested emails.  Sorry.  If we had enough students, I would open up a section.  The plain truth of it is, we don’t have a large enough advanced population to run both a day and night section, so we alternate when the offerings are.  Last year, 156 was at night; this year it’s in the day.  I’m hoping to offer classes that contain multiple (but related) topics so that classes won’t get dropped based on student numbers, so look for Portraiture and Studio Lighting to be offered in the Fall, hopefully at night.

We moved the classroom configuration and low and behold, there is space in our space!

The second lab is opening as scheduled, though in limited quantities, and trust me when I tell you that it has taken dozens of meetings to make such a simple task actually come to fruition.  There will be some work done during the semester to make things smoother, but overall we shouldn’t notice it too much… right…

I went to CES, and frankly, not much on the horizon.  Every booth had a drone or two.  Every booth had a scantily clad female posing for camera trolls. And every booth pretty much had bling but no substance.  Nikon’s announcement of a 4D, Samsung, Fujifilm and Sony are pushing mirrorless, Sigma had a decent 50mm lens, Panasonic also pushed mirrorless but in terms of Hybrid photography, and all the companies are looking toward 4k video (6-8mp at 60fps or higher).  Oh, and a lot of wearable cameras for sports etc…

Of course there is always this…


See y’all soon…


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